

Placing a chest tube to restore a collapsed lung

A pneumothorax (sometimes called a collapsed lung) occurs when air in the chest cavity puts added pressure on a lung, compressing the lung and preventing normal inflation.

A pneumothorax can occur spontaneously or as a result of trauma/injury.

Catching and treating a pneumothorax is time-sensitive, as it can be life threatening if not addressed.

Often times, an interventional radiologist will be called to quickly relieve a pneumothorax with a minimally invasive image-guided procedure called a chest tube placement.

To place a chest tube, an interventional radiologist will use real-time imaging to look for a safe entry into the pocket of air in the chest cavity.

The patient’s skin is then numbed and a small tube is inserted into the cavity through the skin.

The air in the chest cavity can then escape, and the lung can re-expand and resume proper function.

Often, the chest tube will need to remain in place for several days to be sure the pneumothorax does not simply return upon removal.


For more information, including questions about referrals, please contact us at:

(616) 459-7225

Or, visit our Contact page.

Additional Online Resources:
The Interventional Initiative
Society of Interventional Radiology
Radiology Info for Patients

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